Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fun weekend!

So, thursday was officially the weekend for me. First, it meant dinner at Poca Piati's with my hubby, my bro and my dad. Then my dad decided to join the rest of us for a night at Avenue Bistro. The last picture is my dad dancing. The second to last one is my brother jordan with "the cougars" on the dance floor...I havent laughed so hard in the longest time. Then the rest are of me and my nursing friends and of course Steve and I.

Friday, Steve and I took it easy and relaxed and went to the Lewandowski's for a 60th suprise bday party. Then watched Nights in Rodathe. Saturday has been great...I got to have lunch with Dana, Rachel, and all our moms. Later I am off to some karaoke with friends :) I cant ask for a better weekend!

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