Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 3

A few quizzes down and more to come. My anxiety level is getting better these days as I understand what is now expected of me. It is a LOT of give you perspective...I have 9 books for my Nursing 110 class.

Today was wound and enema day. Hard to believe that I will be doing this to patients in a few your ass-ha!

In other news, I am going to the Southview football game tonight. Tomorrow a little LSU vs OSU.



Mom said...

Tough times ahead, but it will all be worth it in the end. I see that Southview Volleyball girls got beat by BG. Sounds like it was a good match-up. Hope the in-laws have a nice anniversary and will talk with you soon.

Anatomy of a Girl said...

I didnt know they got beat...I bet Dana was proud. Southview is supposed to be real good. So is their football team...they are killing people. I am excited for basketball season!