Monday, October 20, 2008

What is your high/low?

Everyone has highs and lows to each day or week...

My Low...finding out a close friend of mine has terminal cancer and only has a few months to live.

My high...seeing my sister go to homecoming


chris said...

aww little jaime going home coming and it looked like she had a date? or was that just a group of friends? at any rate all the boys better be nice to her.

Anatomy of a Girl said...

I know...she is really growing up fast. She went to 2 homecomings and had 2 different dates...playin' the field :)

Mom said...

That is my little girl and just think Chris, many, many years ago she was on your shoulders in Florida and she had a crush on you. She is growing up to be a beautiful girl just like her sister. She is having a blast at Central Catholic. The boy that she went to homecoming with are now just friends (use to be "going out") - I guess that is the term they use these days.

Anatomy of a Girl said...

Yeah Jamie is the one week wonder. Has a boyfriend for one week and then goes on to the next :)